Info Cubes
Key Points
Key Points
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Sales Analysis
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Cross-Functional Analysis: Financial and Sales Data
The scenario Cross-Functional Analysis: Financial and Sales Data describes all the necessary activities to build up a report that analyzes data from financial accounting and sales and distribution. With the detailed description easy enhancement of the report according to individual customer requirements is possible, for example: include more or other characteristics, other key figures, break down in other intervals, and so on.
Function List
The following functions are provided to support the Cross-Functional Analysis: Financial and Sales Data scenario:
Key Points
Booking Billing Backlog Analysis
Function List
The following functions are provided to support the Booking Billing Backlog Analysis scenario:
Key Points
Lead Analysis
The scenario CRM Lead Analysis enables you to analyze the Marketing Lead Analysis data from SAP CRM in SAP Business Information Warehouse.
Key Points
This InfoCube enables you to execute the following standard queries available in SAP BW:
Activities Analysis
The analysis is carried out with the queries of the InfoCube 0CSAL_C01 - Activities (SAP BW Business Content).
Key Points
The InfoCube for activities in CRM provides the data basis for evaluating business activities undertaken by your employees. It delivers data for queries such as:
The Scenario Installation Guide CRM Activities Analysis also gives the procedure for creating a sample query Activities_MSA_Employee and further activities for uploading the query and it's workbook from SAP BW to SAP CRM middleware. After synchronization, the activity analysis for a the sales employee can be carried out in the mobile sales client.
Opportunities Analysis
Key Points
This InfoCube enables you to execute the following standard queries available in SAP BW:
Sales Order Complaints Analysis
Key Points
This InfoCube enables you to execute the following standard queries available in SAP BW:
Service Quality Analysis
The Scenario CRM Service Quality Analysis describes the all the required activities to analyze the item data for service orders and confirmations for which related complaints exist from SAP CRM in SAP Business Information Warehouse.
Key Points
This InfoCube enables you to execute the following standard queries available in SAP BW:
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Inventory Analysis
This scenario enables you to analyze stock data from SAP R/3 and to evaluate materials for which no movement has occurred.
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Demand Planning Analysis
The scenario Demand Planning Analysis in SAP Business Information Warehouse enables you to support the demand planning analysis process in a company. It helps to make the planned / actual sales data comparison.
Info Cubes
The Analysis is carried out in the Plan / Actual Comparison Demand Planning query created from the Supply Chain Planning MultiCube (SCP_MC).
Key Points
For further information please refer to the Demand Planning Analysis Scenario Installation Guide.
APO Resource and Operation Data Analysis
The scenario APO Resource and Operation Data Analysis enables you to analyze the operations, resource capacity and schedule situation data of the Production Planning / Detailed Planning area of SAP APO in SAP Business Information Warehouse.
Info Cubes
The analysis is carried out in the Resource/Operation Data query created on the InfoCube APO Resource and Operation Data (technical name: 0APO_C01).
Key Points
The Resource and Operation Data InfoCube is provided with the following standard queries for analysis:
For further information refer to the Scenario: APO Resource and Operation Data Analysis Installation Guide.
SRM Analysis
The scenario SRM (Supplier Relationship Management) Analysis enables you to analyze local procurement data with regard to purchase orders, goods receipts, and invoice receipts on an aggregated level. In addition, the variances in the invoice value to order value can be analyzed.
Info Cubes
The analysis is carried out in the queries of the InfoCube 0BBP_C01- Global Spend (Point-to-Point Connection)(SAP BW Business Content).)
Key Points
This InfoCube enables you to execute the following standard queries available in SAP BW:
Time Management – Time and Labor
This scenario enables you to analyze different time management data from SAP R/3.
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Personnel Development – Qualifications
This scenario enables you to analyze employee qualification data from SAP R/3.
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Travel Management – Travel Expenses
This scenario enables you to analyze travel expense data from SAP R/3.
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