Thursday, August 16, 2012

Useful Tables in SAP BIW

Standard Info object Tables

/BI0/M -- View of Master data Tables
/BI0/P -- Master data Table, Time Independent attributes
/BI0/Q -- Master data Table, Time Dependent attributes
/BI0/X -- SID Table, Time Independent
/BI0/Y -- SID Tabel, Time Dependent
/BI0/T -- Text Table
/BI0/H -- Hierarchy Table
/BI0/K -- Hierarchy SID Table

Customized Info objects Tables
Replace "0" with "C" in above tables.
Ex: /BIC/M -- View of Master data Tables

Standard Info Cube Tables
/BI0/F -- Fact Table(Before Compression)
/BI0/E -- Fact Table(After Compression)
/BI0/P -- Dimension Table - Data Package
/BI0/T -- Dimension Table - Time
/BI0/U -- Dimension Table - Unit
/BI0/1, 2, 3, .......A,B,C,D : -- Dimension Tables

BW Tables
BTCEVTJOB -- To check List of jobs waiting for events
ROOSOURCE -- Control parameters for Datasource
ROOSFIELD -- Control parameters for Datasource
ROOSPRMSC -- Control parameters for Datasource
ROOSPRMSF -- Control parameters for Datasource

RSOLTPSOURCE -- Replicate Table for OLTP source in BW
RSDMDELTA -- Datamart Delta Management
-- Last valid Initialization to an OLTP Source
RSUPDINFO -- Infocube to Infosource correlation
RSUPDDAT -- Update rules key figures
RSUPDENQ -- Removal of locks in the update rules
RSUPDFORM -- BW: Update Rules - Formulas - Checking Table
RSUPDINFO -- Update info (status and program)
RSUPDKEY -- Update rule: Key per key figure
RSUPDROUT -- Update rules - ABAP routine - check table
RSUPDSIMULD -- Table for saving simulation data update
RSUPDSIMULH -- Table for saving simulation data header information
RSDCUBEIOBJ -- Infoobjects per Infocube
RSIS -- Infosouce Info
RSUPDINFO -- Update Rules Info
RSTS -- Transfer Rules Info
RSKSFIELD -- Communication Structure fields
RSALLOWEDCHAR -- Special Characters Table(T Code : RSKC, To maintain)
RSDLPSEL -- Selection Table for fields scheduler(Infpak's)
RSDLPIO -- Log data packet no
RSMONICTAB -- Monitor, Data Targets(Infocube/ODS) Table, request related info
RSTSODS -- Operational data store for Transfer structure
RSZELTDIR -- Query Elements
RSZGLOBV -- BEx Variables
RXSELTXREF, RSCOMPDIR -- Reports/query relavent tables
RSCUSTV -- Query settings
RSDIOBJ -- Infoobjects
RSLDPSEL -- Selection table for fields scheduler(Info pak list)
RSMONIPTAB -- InfoPackage for the monitor
RSRWORKBOOK -- Workbooks & related query genunid's
RSRREPDIR -- Contains Genuin id, Rep Name, author, etc...
RSRINDEXT -- Workbook ID & Name
RSREQDONE -- Monitor: Saving of the QM entries
RSSELDONE -- Monitor : Selection for exected requests
RSLDTDONE -- Texts on the requeasted infopacks & groups
RSUICDONE -- BIW: Selection table for user-selection update Infocubes's
RSSDBATCH -- Table for Batch run scheduler
RSLDPDEL -- Selection table for deleting with full update scheduler
RSADMINSV -- RS Administration
RSSDLINIT -- Last Valid Initializations to an OLTP Source
BTCEVTJOB --To check event status(scheduled or not)
VARI -- ABAP Variant related Table
VARIDESC -- Selection Variants: Description
SMQ1 -- QRFC Monitor(Out Bound)
SM13 -- Update Records status

Monday, August 13, 2012

Error 6 in function module RSS_PROGRAM_GENERATE Message no. RJ028

The below error has been encountered in the extract checker(RSA3).

Error 6 in function module RSS_PROGRAM_GENERATE
Message no. RJ028

SNOTE: 705212
You notice the error by one of the following symptoms:
  • The loading of transaction data from an R/3 system terminates with a syntax error in the generated extraction program. The monitor displays the error messages:
                       R3027 "Error & during the generation of the data transfer program"
                       RSM340 "Error in the source system"
  • The extraction within the extractor checker terminates with error message RJ028 "Error 6 in function module RSS_PROGRAM_GENERATE".
  • The activation of transfer rules ends in BW with error message RG102 "Syntax error in GP$ERR$, row... (-> long text)" from the source system. Usually, the diagnosis in the long text of the error message is: "...could not be interpreted. Possible error causes: Incorrect notation or... "
Other terms
OLTP, extractor, data extraction, DataSource, Service API, SAPI,
R3 027, R3 27, RSM 340, RJ 028, RJ 28
Reason and Prerequisites
The error only occurs in the source system, if this contains Basis Release 3.1I and Service API (SAPI) 3.0C Support Package 6. SAPI 3.0C Support Package 6 is contained, for example, in PI 2003.1 Support Package 7 (see attached composite SAP note 673002).
To correct the problem you need service API 3.0C Support Package 7 in the affected source system. The attached composite SAP note 704971 explains in which software components service API 3.0C is contained, and what the corresponding Support Packages of these components are.
Alternatively, you can also copy the advance correction from the appendix.
Only the source system is affected by the correction, and not the BW system.

Do not use transaction RSA3 for testing or checking the extraction of "HIERARCHY" datasources. This transaction is not meant for checking hierarchies, as it can lead to the exact error you have mentioned above.

You need to use the program "RSA1HCAT" to check hierarchies, and you will be able to display the following:

1.Meta data
2.Hierarchy tree
3.Hierarchy list

"RSA1HCAT" is a pure display report which cannot change the hierarchy, and will not influence the display in RSA3. It does not change whether the error is given or not in RSA3.

Saturday, August 11, 2012

Version management in SAP BW 7.3

Scenario: Customer wants information about change to the Info Object (0Product), till SAP BW7.0 we can find only last changed information for the same.
Here is the Solution: Below Steps would help you to create historical version automatically in SAP BW 7.3.

Go to SPRO -->SAP ReferenceIMG -->SAP Net Weaver -->Business Warehouse -->General Settings --> Create Historical TLOGO Versions Automatically.
Click on New Entries and maintain Object type (CUBE/DSO/Info Object etc...) from TLOGO object like below screen
Enter the object type as IOBJ for Info Object,Check the below screen 
Then goto RSA1 and select object maintenance screen then click on version management from Goto menu
We can observe the below screen that Active and Modified versions are temporary origin,
hence it would not store in Database table
Also we can find the History of version (object change version )with date and time,
We can observe that Version is would increase for each change.
You can do comparison between different versions and can export in to the file (Example : XML)
We can implement the same process for other Objects like DSO, Info Cube.